Got no reason, Got not shame. Got no family I can blame. Just don't let me disappear. Imma tell you everything

Jumat, 12 November 2010

Truth Hurts

If the truth hurts then it's working
 Maybe that would be the line if God could say everything to people.
Not every truth is hurts but mostly it is.
Which one do you think is better, fool by lies or hurt by the truth ?

If I can choose, I will choose the second choice.
Knowing the truth in the end is so much better than fooled by lies because you'll end up badly.
I know the truth now, so im thanking my God.
Iam not fool by lies anymore and it is over.

It's okay. I am fine this way.

Rabu, 10 November 2010

Getting Over You (all over again)

This phrase of my life is taking my energy out.
I have to do it all over again.
This is the third time Im trying to get over somebody.

Why do I have to do this over and over again ?
Do i have to get over him?
Can I have another chance? (i dont think this one have possibility)

It's been 9 days since we contact each other and ive just decided to end all of this.
I am tired of waiting and the crazy fact about waiting is I have to do it all over again

Do I have to go through this again?
But ive decided to stop waiting and take some times to be alone (sorry but i have to put 'again' ).
And now i dont know how to describe my feeling. I guess i cant feel anything clearly or you can just say I am numb.

I dont know how to fix my self after this disaster.
I have friends but I dont want to disturb their perfect life just to listen my pathetic story of life.
And i dont want to hear their perfect story of life either.
Am I jealous or intimidated?

But please just one question, tell me how to forget him?
Because everything i see and done reminds me of him.
I feel like he is haunting me around and not letting me to forget about him.
It's torturing me like HELL !

I need to get over him !
RIGHT AWAY and I need some HELP !

Selasa, 09 November 2010


I'm not the type to get my heart broken
I'm not the type to get upset and cry
'cause I never leave my heart open
Never hurts me to say goodbye
Relationships don't get deep to me
Never got the whole in love thing
And someone can say they love me truly
But at the time it didn't mean a thing

My mind is gone, I'm spinning round
And deep inside, my tears I'll drown
I'm losing grip, what's happening
I stray from love, this is how I feel
This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm, in this condition
And I've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry

Did it happen when we first kissed?
'cause it's hurting me to let it go
Maybe 'cause we spent so much time
And I know that it's no more
I should've never let you hold me baby
Maybe why I'm sad to see us apart
I didn't give to you on purpose
Can't figure out how you stole my heart

How did I get here with you, I'll never know?
I never meant to let it get so, personal
And after all I tried to do, to stay away from loving you
I'm broken heart and I can't let you know
And I won't let it show
You won't see me cry

This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm, in this condition
And I've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry

All my life... 
Rihanna, Good Girl Gone Bad

Things Keep Falling Down

Tidak semua roda kehidupan dalam dunia ini dapat bertahan di posisi puncak.
Ada kalanya sebuah roda harus turun dan mengalah untuk roda baru yang sudah lama berada di bawah untuk naik.
Dan sepertinya ini lah saat-saat ketika roda kehidupan milikku turun.
Keadaan tidak membaik malah menjadi buruk.
Rasanya dunia sudah menggila jika masalah mulai datang satu per-satu.

Yang menurutku paling gak nguati adalah masalah finansial (maaf kalo curhatnya buka-bukaan).
Sejak uang simpanan yang dikasih almarhumah nenek habis, kebutuhanku sebagai murid smp dan remaja putri jadi berantakan.

Setiap kali aku kepengen sesuatu, kocekku selalu gak ada isinya atau pun kalo ada, pasti jumlahnya tidak mencukupi.
Aku tahu kalau setiap muslimah harus bersikap qanaah (waduh! ngutip pelajaran agama nih.).
Harus selalu merasa cukup dengan apa yang dipunya, tapi kan anda-anda tahu kalo kebutuhan manusia selalu lebih besar kuantitasnya daripada barang pemuas (Lho? kok jadi pelajaran ekonomi gini?).
Dan aku tahu aku masih punya orang tua tunggal yang berkelebihan, TAPI kerusakan malah terjadi di kantong utama keluargaku, yaitu papaku sendiri.

Acap kali mau minta, aku harus pikir banyak-banyak dulu sebelum menengadahkan tangan.
Aku takut memperumit masalah dan nambahi pikiran bapakku yang emang ruwet--dan semakin ruwet sejak mama meninggal--tambah ruwet.
Pokoknya aku takut simpanan bapakku juga ikut habis. Makanya aku sendiri juga keteteran mikirin kebutuhanku yang TAMBAH banyak ini.
Rasa takut membanjiri benakku.

Yang menjadi masalah selanjutnya adalah problema yang sudah lazim dirasakan oleh remaja banyak yang memiliki tingkat kepercayaan diri yang minim.
Apalagi AKU.
Gak ada hal yang patut dibanggakan dari cewek aneh kaya aku ini -__-

Mungkin setiap orang ngira aku hebat sekali punya bapak yang LEBIH (apanya tuh? badannya ape yang lain?) sekaligus punya kemampuan berbahasa alien eropa (bahasa inggris).
Tapi aku ga cukup bahagia dari situ.
Masih banyak hal yang mengerikan dari aku.


  1. Badannya tidak berbentuk layaknya gitar spanyol (malah berbentuk seperti kecapi. LHO?)
  2. Alergi sama yang namanya angka (bisa dilihat kan? kalo aku lemah otak di matematika)
  3. Punya suara yang menggelegar seperti speaker mesjid (oke, yang satu ini punya dua sisi; bisa baik, bisa enggak. Soalnya aku biasa teriak-teriak di kuping orang. haha)
  4. Punya mulut yang super busuk dan setajam pisau cukur,
  5. Dan yang terakhir memang gak banyak orang tahu kalo aku itu super sensitif sekali.
Bagian kelemahan yang terakhir itu cuma segelintir orang yang tahu. Soalnya aku selalu menyembunyikan semua sampah hidupku di balik ejekan, lelucon, tindakan dan tawa konyol.
Banyak orang ngira aku itu ceria, tapi yang berpendapat seperti itu hanyalah orang yang belum kenal dekat dengan aku.
Tapi it's okay. It is better that way.

Okay. Go back to my wheel of life.
Salah satu masalah yang jadi acuan kalo rodaku mulai berputar turun adalah kebahagiaan-kebahagiaan sederhana yang mulai jarang terasa.
Yang kusebut kebahagiaan itu adalah kenyamanan ketika kamu mendapati ada seseorang yang menyayangimu dengan cara yang berbeda (bukan rasa cinta antar keluarga) tetapi rasa sayang seorang 
bocah laki-laki (bocah jare).
Tapi aku memang butuh itu (keliatan sekali kalau saya jablay -__-)

Emang aku punya pacar, tapi ada temen yang ngomong kalo hubunganku itu sama aja bohong (Long Distance Relationship with Ryan O Conner yang sepertinya tidak serius).
Aku tahu itu, tapi semuanya udah terlanjur personal.
Setiap kali aku mendengar temanku ngobrol tentang cowok yang disukai ataupun pacarnya yang bertindak konyol sehingga membuat mereka malu ga ketolong, yang kulakukan setelah mendengar mereka adalah mengasihani diri sendiri atau nggak memberi penghiburan kecil, seperti : jika suatu hari nanti akan ada seorang laki-laki baik hati yang mempunyai cinta yang cukup besar untukku, tapi yang harus kulakukan sekarang hanyalah menunggu.

Menunggu laki-laki itu datang dengan sendirinya seiring pena takdir terus menerus menulis apa yang akan terjadi, tetapi bagaimana denga fakta bahwa takdir hanya bisa berubah jika si Manusia mengubahnya sendiri?
Aku semakin bingung di sini, kau tahu?

Ada satu waktu ketika salah satu sahabat saya bercerita tentang kencan pertamanya--dengan pacar baru tentunya--dan yang kurasakan adalah sebuah kedengkian bukan kebahagiaan.
Anehnya aku malah menangis dan berpikir bahwa laki-laki sudah tidak mau memilih cewek yang unik dan sebobrok aku. (JABLAY !). Yang ada di pikiranku saat itu adalah "Betapa bahagianya aku, jika yang digayuti oleh pacarnya adalah tanganku?" Detik itu aku langsung menarik napas panjang dan menekankan bahwa masih ada Ryan.

Things that often happen in my love life is "Right Time,Wrong Person. Wrong Time, Right Person."
Gimana gak jengah punya hidup kayak aku?

Hal-hal di atas merupakan benda-benda di kehidupanku yang mulai berjatuhan seiring rodanya yang berputar turun.
Mungkin yang harus kulakukan hanyalah bersabar dan bertawakal serta mempercatik diri mungkin ya?? (hahha)

Dan sudah seminggu lebih si Bule dari London itu gak balas emailku. Sudah berkali-kali aku ngirim, tapi balasannya tidak lebih dari cukup. Aku menutut lebih dan sekarang dia malah mencampakkanku.
And I guess, I have to stop waiting. Aku harus menekankan bahwa Ryan itu cuma khayalan gila dari otak jablayku dan kurasa aku harus tetap merasa kesepian dan memendam rasa iri kepada orang-orang yang sedang madly, deeply and truly in love with their muse. I have to stand alone. Again (what a loser).

P.S : I think today is the day when ryan is not going to call me 'dear' again.

From the fact above you can see that there is one more thing that began to fall. I promise I will stop contact and hoping that he would come back again. It hurts enough to know that it's been a week, we have no communication. It has to stop.

Senin, 01 November 2010

Breathe Again

Car is parked, bags are packed, but what kind of heart doesn't look back
At the comfortable glow from the porch, the one I will still call yours?
All those words came undone and now I'm not the only one
Facing the ghosts that decide if the fire inside still burns

All I have, all I need, he's the air I would kill to breathe
Holds my love in his hands, still I'm searching for something
Out of breath, I am left hoping someday I'll breathe again
I'll breathe again

Open up next to you and my secrets become your truth
And the distance between that was sheltering me comes in full view
Hang my head, break my heart built from all I have torn apart
And my burden to bear is a love I can't carry anymore

All I have, all I need, he's the air I would kill to breathe
Holds my love in his hands, still I'm searching for something
Out of breath, I am left hoping someday I'll breathe again

It hurts to be here
I only wanted love from you
It hurts to be here
What am I gonna do?

All I have, all I need, he's the air I would kill to breathe
Holds my love in his hands, still I'm searching
All I have, all I need, he's the air I would kill to breathe
Holds my love in his hands, still I'm searching for something
Out of breath, I am left hoping someday I'll breathe again
I'll breathe again 

Sara Bareilles, Kaleidoscope Heart

Love Hurts

I know what does that sentence mean.

L.O.V.E can describe everything just in 4 letters.

And everything happy or sad.

Having love in your heart is AMAZING but this could be a misery to someone who doesnt want to feel it.
Because not every love is beautiful.
Sometimes you love the wrong guy and your surrounding is not happy with it.
It hurts so much.
Or the one you love doesnt even know that you have something special for them inside.
They just dont get what we are trying to show.o."

For that case, you have rights to WAIT.
Love them even they dont realize it.
If it takes time and you got tired someday, LEAVE them behind.

Their satelite is broken. They didnt get the signal.
Dont waste times !
Take off your feet and be gone.

I know that would be difficult but this is what you have to do.
You couldnt just say that you would forget them BECAUSE I KNOW THAT YOUR HEART WOULDNT LET YOU DO SO.
They will stay (it's okay)

You can always look back.
You can save them as your beautiful memory or whatever.

That kind of love is painful. Beacase this formula happens.
"If You Love Me, You Have To Let Me Go"

I have been in this kind of situation.
Tortured by the love that i feel inside.
Even tho it was along-long time ago but i always can feel the tangle inside my heart.
It made me shed a tear.
It hurt to let go of your priceless love.
but something made it as an order.

If you have been in that situation and trying so hard to forget about the pain, Im telling you to STOP!
It is useless.

The harder you try to forget, the stronger memories that will stick.
Trust me.Just dont erase them from your memory.Just memorise it as an experience that you could learn of someday.You can always looking back but REMEMBER NO REGRET ALLOWS
because Sara Bareilles create a song called "Breathe Again" with no reason.It tells you that looking back is NORMAL.
"Car is parked, bags are packed, but what kind of heart doesn't look back"
yeah what kind of heart doesnt look back? Even just once.Anyone has done that.
Including me :)