Got no reason, Got not shame. Got no family I can blame. Just don't let me disappear. Imma tell you everything

Senin, 01 November 2010

Love Hurts

I know what does that sentence mean.

L.O.V.E can describe everything just in 4 letters.

And everything happy or sad.

Having love in your heart is AMAZING but this could be a misery to someone who doesnt want to feel it.
Because not every love is beautiful.
Sometimes you love the wrong guy and your surrounding is not happy with it.
It hurts so much.
Or the one you love doesnt even know that you have something special for them inside.
They just dont get what we are trying to show.o."

For that case, you have rights to WAIT.
Love them even they dont realize it.
If it takes time and you got tired someday, LEAVE them behind.

Their satelite is broken. They didnt get the signal.
Dont waste times !
Take off your feet and be gone.

I know that would be difficult but this is what you have to do.
You couldnt just say that you would forget them BECAUSE I KNOW THAT YOUR HEART WOULDNT LET YOU DO SO.
They will stay (it's okay)

You can always look back.
You can save them as your beautiful memory or whatever.

That kind of love is painful. Beacase this formula happens.
"If You Love Me, You Have To Let Me Go"

I have been in this kind of situation.
Tortured by the love that i feel inside.
Even tho it was along-long time ago but i always can feel the tangle inside my heart.
It made me shed a tear.
It hurt to let go of your priceless love.
but something made it as an order.

If you have been in that situation and trying so hard to forget about the pain, Im telling you to STOP!
It is useless.

The harder you try to forget, the stronger memories that will stick.
Trust me.Just dont erase them from your memory.Just memorise it as an experience that you could learn of someday.You can always looking back but REMEMBER NO REGRET ALLOWS
because Sara Bareilles create a song called "Breathe Again" with no reason.It tells you that looking back is NORMAL.
"Car is parked, bags are packed, but what kind of heart doesn't look back"
yeah what kind of heart doesnt look back? Even just once.Anyone has done that.
Including me :)

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